
TaigaPuzzle1>>>>>.Aheadtotheleftisacubeneararedplate.Putthecubeonitandturnongravity.Itneedstoflythroughtwo ...,Welcometotheboxmoving,gravitydefying,puzzlesolvingactionoftheRelictawalkthrough!Forthisgame,themajorityofachievementswillbestory ...,Relicta-PuzzleGame-1.no_leaf_clover·46:51.Relicta-PuzzleGame-2.no_leaf_clover·45:49·Relicta-PuzzleGame-3.no_leaf_clover·49:06 ...,,,,Time...

Guide for Relicta - Shoemaker

Taiga Puzzle 1>>>>>. Ahead to the left is a cube near a red plate. Put the cube on it and turn on gravity. It needs to fly through two ...

Guide for Relicta

Welcome to the box moving, gravity defying, puzzle solving action of the Relicta walkthrough! For this game, the majority of achievements will be story ...


Relicta - Puzzle Game - 1. no_leaf_clover · 46:51. Relicta - Puzzle Game - 2. no_leaf_clover · 45:49 · Relicta - Puzzle Game - 3. no_leaf_clover · 49:06 ...

Relicta walkthrough, collectible and achievement guide

Timestamps for each puzzle also listed in this guide so you can navigate to the puzzle fast you curious about. First video: Collectible timestamps: check ...

Steam 社群:

Relicta - 《瑞利達》是一款以物理學為基礎的第一人稱解謎遊戲,您需要發揮創造力,結合磁力和重力才能解開茜德拉基地的秘密。獨自一人身處月球深處,而您的科學頭腦是 ...

在Steam 購買Relicta 即可省下90%

《瑞利達》是一款以物理學為基礎的第一人稱解謎遊戲,您需要發揮創造力,結合磁力和重力才能解開茜德拉基地的秘密。獨自一人身處月球深處,而您的科學頭腦是唯一能讓 ...